背景:漫品Android客户端 集成适配转换功能(基于目标识别(So库35M)和人脸识别库(5M)),导致apk体积50M左右,为优化客户端体验,决定实现So文件动态加载.
开源地址: https://github.com/AnyMarvel/ManPinAPP
本文默认认为大家对JNI开发有一定的了解。在 Android 开发中调用动态链接库文件*.so都是通过 jni 的加载方式,一般的开发方式往往是在 apk 或 jar 包中调用so文件时,都要将对应 so 文件打包进 apk 或 jar 包。
System.loadLibrary(String libName)
:参数为so库名称,位于 apk 压缩文件中的 libs 目录,最后复制到 apk 安装目录下;
System.load(String pathName)
:参数为 so 库在磁盘中完整的路径,可以加载自定义外部 so 库文件;
看到上述API其实大家可以看出来System.load(String pathName)
如果项目native库很多,还支持各种平台,为了减少apk size,so库动态下发,按需加载是不错的选择。比如x86库服务器下发,动态加载,瘦身效果将非常可观。但是采取常规load方式,改动有点大,底层jar包,第三库不好改加载路径。
三. 修改nativeLibraryDirectories(6.0以下)或nativeLibraryPathElements(6.0及以上)(关键:把自定义的native库path插入native数组最前面,即使安装包libs目录里面有同名的so,也优先加载指定路径的外部so。)
Copy /**
* com.google.android.apps.photolab.storyboard.soloader.LoadLibraryUtil
* Description:动态加载so文件的核心,注入so路径到nativeLibraryDirectories数组第一个位置,会优先从这个位置查找so
* 更多姿势,请参考开源库动态更新so的黑科技,仅供学习交流
public class LoadLibraryUtil {
private static final String TAG = LoadLibraryUtil . class . getSimpleName () + "-duqian" ;
private static File lastSoDir = null ;
public static synchronized boolean installNativeLibraryPath ( ClassLoader classLoader , File folder)
throws Throwable {
if (classLoader == null || folder == null || ! folder . exists ()) {
Log . e (TAG , "classLoader or folder is illegal " + folder);
return false ;
final int sdkInt = Build . VERSION . SDK_INT ;
final boolean aboveM = (sdkInt == 25 && getPreviousSdkInt() != 0 ) || sdkInt > 25 ;
if (aboveM) {
try {
V25 . install (classLoader , folder);
} catch ( Throwable throwable) {
try {
V23 . install (classLoader , folder);
} catch ( Throwable throwable1) {
V14 . install (classLoader , folder);
} else if (sdkInt >= 23 ) {
try {
V23 . install (classLoader , folder);
} catch ( Throwable throwable) {
V14 . install (classLoader , folder);
} else if (sdkInt >= 14 ) {
V14 . install (classLoader , folder);
lastSoDir = folder;
return true ;
private static final class V23 {
private static void install ( ClassLoader classLoader , File folder) throws Throwable {
Field pathListField = ReflectUtil . findField (classLoader , "pathList" );
Object dexPathList = pathListField . get (classLoader);
Field nativeLibraryDirectories = ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "nativeLibraryDirectories" );
List < File > libDirs = ( List< File > ) nativeLibraryDirectories . get (dexPathList);
if (libDirs == null ) {
libDirs = new ArrayList <>( 2 );
final Iterator < File > libDirIt = libDirs . iterator ();
while ( libDirIt . hasNext ()) {
final File libDir = libDirIt . next ();
if ( folder . equals (libDir) || folder . equals (lastSoDir)) {
libDirIt . remove ();
Log . d (TAG , "dq libDirIt.remove() " + folder . getAbsolutePath ());
break ;
libDirs . add ( 0 , folder);
Field systemNativeLibraryDirectories =
ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "systemNativeLibraryDirectories" );
List < File > systemLibDirs = ( List< File > ) systemNativeLibraryDirectories . get (dexPathList);
if (systemLibDirs == null ) {
systemLibDirs = new ArrayList <>( 2 );
Log . d (TAG , "dq systemLibDirs,size=" + systemLibDirs . size ());
Method makePathElements = ReflectUtil . findMethod (dexPathList , "makePathElements" , List . class , File . class , List . class );
ArrayList < IOException > suppressedExceptions = new ArrayList <>();
libDirs . addAll (systemLibDirs);
Object [] elements = ( Object []) makePathElements . invoke (dexPathList , libDirs , null , suppressedExceptions);
Field nativeLibraryPathElements = ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "nativeLibraryPathElements" );
nativeLibraryPathElements . setAccessible ( true );
nativeLibraryPathElements . set (dexPathList , elements);
* 把自定义的native库path插入nativeLibraryDirectories最前面,即使安装包libs目录里面有同名的so,也优先加载指定路径的外部so
private static final class V25 {
private static void install ( ClassLoader classLoader , File folder) throws Throwable {
Field pathListField = ReflectUtil . findField (classLoader , "pathList" );
Object dexPathList = pathListField . get (classLoader);
Field nativeLibraryDirectories = ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "nativeLibraryDirectories" );
List < File > libDirs = ( List< File > ) nativeLibraryDirectories . get (dexPathList);
if (libDirs == null ) {
libDirs = new ArrayList <>( 2 );
final Iterator < File > libDirIt = libDirs . iterator ();
while ( libDirIt . hasNext ()) {
final File libDir = libDirIt . next ();
if ( folder . equals (libDir) || folder . equals (lastSoDir)) {
libDirIt . remove ();
Log . d (TAG , "dq libDirIt.remove()" + folder . getAbsolutePath ());
break ;
libDirs . add ( 0 , folder);
Field systemNativeLibraryDirectories = ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "systemNativeLibraryDirectories" );
List < File > systemLibDirs = ( List< File > ) systemNativeLibraryDirectories . get (dexPathList);
if (systemLibDirs == null ) {
systemLibDirs = new ArrayList <>( 2 );
Log . d (TAG , "dq systemLibDirs,size=" + systemLibDirs . size ());
Method makePathElements = ReflectUtil . findMethod (dexPathList , "makePathElements" , List . class );
libDirs . addAll (systemLibDirs);
Object [] elements = ( Object []) makePathElements . invoke (dexPathList , libDirs);
Field nativeLibraryPathElements = ReflectUtil . findField (dexPathList , "nativeLibraryPathElements" );
nativeLibraryPathElements . setAccessible ( true );
nativeLibraryPathElements . set (dexPathList , elements);
private static final class V14 {
private static void install ( ClassLoader classLoader , File folder) throws Throwable {
Field pathListField = ReflectUtil . findField (classLoader , "pathList" );
Object dexPathList = pathListField . get (classLoader);
ReflectUtil . expandFieldArray (dexPathList , "nativeLibraryDirectories" , new File []{folder});
* fuck部分机型删了该成员属性,兼容
* @return 被厂家删了返回1,否则正常读取
@ TargetApi ( Build . VERSION_CODES . M )
private static int getPreviousSdkInt () {
try {
return Build . VERSION . PREVIEW_SDK_INT ;
} catch ( Throwable ignore) {
return 1 ;
So文件加载流程 不同的同学请戳这里 Android 的 so 文件加载机制
Copy //System.java
public static void loadLibrary( String libname) {
Runtime . getRuntime () . loadLibrary0 ( VMStack . getCallingClassLoader () , libname);
Copy //Runtime.java
synchronized void loadLibrary0( ClassLoader loader , String libname) {
if ( libname . indexOf (( int ) File . separatorChar ) != - 1 ) {
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError( "Directory separator should not appear in library name: " + libname) ;
String libraryName = libname;
// 1. 如果classloder存在,通过loader.findLibrary()查找到so路径
if (loader != null ) {
String filename = loader . findLibrary (libraryName);
if (filename == null ) {
// It's not necessarily true that the ClassLoader used
// System.mapLibraryName, but the default setup does, and it's
// misleading to say we didn't find "libMyLibrary.so" when we
// actually searched for "liblibMyLibrary.so.so".
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(loader + " couldn't find \"" +
System . mapLibraryName(libraryName) + "\"" ) ;
String error = doLoad(filename , loader) ;
if (error != null ) {
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(error) ;
return ;
// 2. 如果classloder不存在,通过loader.findLibrary()查找到so路径
String filename = System . mapLibraryName (libraryName);
List < String > candidates = new ArrayList < String >();
String lastError = null ;
for ( String directory : getLibPaths() ) { // getLibPaths()代码在最下方
String candidate = directory + filename;
candidates . add (candidate);
if ( IoUtils . canOpenReadOnly (candidate)) {
String error = doLoad(candidate , loader) ;
if (error == null ) {
return ; // We successfully loaded the library. Job done.
lastError = error;
// 3. 都没找到,抛出 UnsatisfiedLinkError 异常
if (lastError != null ) {
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError(lastError) ;
throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError( "Library " + libraryName + " not found; tried " + candidates) ;
当ClasssLoader存在的时候通过loader的 findLibrary()查看目标库所在路径;
Copy //BaseDexClassLoader.java
public String findLibrary( String name) {
return pathList . findLibrary (name);
其中pathList的类型为DexPathList,我们看看它的findLibrary()方法.关键点在DexPathList.findLibrary(String libraryName)
Copy /**
371 * Finds the named native code library on any of the library
372 * directories pointed at by this instance. This will find the
373 * one in the earliest listed directory, ignoring any that are not
374 * readable regular files.
375 *
376 * @return the complete path to the library or {@code null} if no
377 * library was found
378 */
379 public String findLibrary( String libraryName) {
380 String fileName = System . mapLibraryName (libraryName);
381 for ( File directory : nativeLibraryDirectories) {
382 String path = new File(directory , fileName) . getPath ();
383 if ( IoUtils . canOpenReadOnly (path)) {
384 return path;
385 }
386 }
387 return null ;
388 }
那么我们就可以将我们的patch的so所在目录插入到这个数组最前面即可完成so的修复。具体代码就不贴了,实践后得出的结论是这种方式是完全可行的,只不过Android 6.0以后版本中这部分代码逻辑发生了改变。
在Android 4.0-5.1中,只需要将文件夹目录插入到nativeLibraryDirectories数组最前面即可,这个过程直接使用反射插入patch的so所在目录到数组最前面。(nativeLibraryDirectories存储了so文件加载的映射表,这里相当于修改了应用加载so的列表)
Copy 61 /** List of native library directories. */
62 private final File [] nativeLibraryDirectories;
但是在Android 6.0以后,查找逻辑转为了Elements查找
Copy /**
536 * Finds the named native code library on any of the library
537 * directories pointed at by this instance. This will find the
538 * one in the earliest listed directory, ignoring any that are not
539 * readable regular files.
540 *
541 * @return the complete path to the library or {@code null} if no
542 * library was found
543 */
544 public String findLibrary( String libraryName) {
545 String fileName = System . mapLibraryName (libraryName);
547 for ( NativeLibraryElement element : nativeLibraryPathElements) {
548 String path = element . findNativeLibrary (fileName);
550 if (path != null ) {
551 return path;
552 }
553 }
555 return null ;
556 }
Copy 66 /** List of native library path elements. */
67 // Some applications rely on this field being an array or we'd use a final list here
68 /* package visible for testing */ NativeLibraryElement [] nativeLibraryPathElements;
安利 欢迎大家的start
开源地址: https://github.com/AnyMarvel/ManPinAPP
热修复so代码包位置: com.google.android.apps.photolab.storyboard.soloader.LoadLibraryUtil
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